Your Impact

More than 1 in 3 young people in Australia are currently experiencing a mental health difficulty.

 And suicide remains the leading cause of death of young people aged 16-24.

Stigma and lack of understanding are leaving young people to cope alone. But we can do something to help.

By fundraising for ReachOut, you are raising critical funds so we can continue to help young people in Australia each and every day. Every dollar that you raise, and every person that you share your Make A Move journey with, helps us get that much closer to our goal of helping all young people feel better.

Every dollar you raise is extremely important to us – here’s what your money will help us do:


will provide access to ReachOut for 13 young people


will provide a moderator to keep the forums safe for 18 community members


will ensure we can respond to a young person in crisis.


will provide after-hours moderation for one night.