Make A Move is a fundraising initiative owned and operated by ReachOut Australia.
How do I sign up?
Go to https://makeamove.com.au/register or alternatively, go to www.makeamove.com.au and click 'Sign Up'.
How do I refer a colleague?
Send your colleague to https://makeamove.com.au/register/ or alternatively, www.makeamove.com.au and ask them to click ‘Sign Up’.
How do I join my organisation?
Your organisation will be created for you. When you sign up, just select it in the dropdown menu.
How do I join my team?
Your team will be created for you. Once you've selected your organisation, just select your team in the dropdown menu in order to join.
How do I get friends, family, or colleagues on board?
Send out emails or put up posters around the office to encourage your friends and colleagues to support you. Download templates here to help your fundraising.
Hey! I’m running late. Can I still join?
For sure. You can challenge yourself anytime throughout October.
How do I edit my fundraising page?
Click ‘Login’ in the top right-hand corner, which will allow you to access your dashboard and make any changes you need to.
How do I add activity to my fundraising page?
Activity can be logged by clicking on the participants' name in the upper right-hand corner and clicking on “Track my Progress".
Once redirected, scroll down to the bottom of the page and log activity under Add Activity. Both date and activity type are mandatory fields.
Click ‘Save Changes” to add activity. A tick will appear on screen indicating that activity has been logged.
Activity can be logged by clicking on the participants' name in the upper right-hand corner and clicking on “My Dashboard’.
Once redirected, click ‘My Dashboard’ and scroll down and click "Track my Progress".
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and log activity under ‘Add Activity’. Both date and activity type are mandatory fields.
Click ‘Save Changes” to add activity. A tick will appear on screen indicating that activity has been logged.
How do I share my fundraising page?
Once you’re logged in, visit https://www.makeamove.com.au/login/emails to access sharing tools, including social media buttons and emails.
How do I ask for donations?
Check out our fundraising tips here. And, download our free resources to help you along the way.
How do I get my fundraising to you?
All online donations automatically come to us so there’s no need to do anything. If you have cash that you would like to bank offline, please email mimi@makeamove.com.au and they can advise you how to do this.
Are donations to ReachOut Australia tax-deductible?
If your donation is made in Australia and is over $2, then it is tax deductible. When you donate, an email which will contain a receipt as proof of your donation to us will be sent to you.
How do I find one of my friends to donate to them?
Go to https://makeamove.com.au and look for the search box – enter their name, and if they’re already signed up, you will be able to see them and make a donation. Alternatively, click on the 'donate' button on the Make A Move website, search for your friend, click on their page then make a donation.
What’s the process and where does my donation go?
All donations go directly to ReachOut Australia using the Stripe Payment Gateway for our online credit card transactions. Stripe processes online credit card transactions for thousands of Australian merchants, providing a safe and secure means of collecting payments via the Internet.
All online credit card transactions performed on this site using the Stripe Payment Gateway are secured payments.Your complete credit card number cannot be viewed by ReachOut or any outside party and all monies are directly transferred from your card to a merchant account held by ReachOut.
For more information about Stripe Payment Gateway, please visit here.
ReachOut keeps our internal costs down by employing a small team of staff and Make a Move is delivered by an internal team, saving on paying an external agency.
85% of funds raised from Make a Move go directly to the ReachOut services that support young people and their parents. Funds are distributed to the areas of our services that are most in need. ReachOut is continually evolving and adapting to ensure we meet the needs of young people with mental health difficulties.
The remaining 15% of funds raised goes toward keeping ReachOut running. This includes staffing costs, and essential things like keeping the lights on, running servers and paying the rent for our office space.
ReachOut has a policy of financial transparency, and are externally audited every year. Please feel free to check out a breakdown of our income and expenditures here.
Any Other Questions
If you still don’t have the answers you need and would like to be in touch, email us at mimi@makeamove.com.au.