tips and ideas

Five simple steps to reach your fundraising target!

Tip 1

Get the ball rolling and prove your commitment – donate to yourself. Donating to yourself will demonstrate your dedication to the event and cause and give people an idea on how much to donate.

Tip 2

Ask your family members to donate. Ask four (or more) of your close family members to donate $50 each = $200.

Tip 3

Ask 16 of your extended family and friends to donate $25 each = $400.

Tip 4

Ask five of your workmates to donate $20 each, or your boss for a company contribution. Doing this will add $100.

Tips 5

Update your Facebook status, post a link or send out a tweet to let all your friends and associates know what you are doing. DM or tag 10 of your friends to donate $20 each – that’s an additional $200.